

May 02, 2023

Multisensory learning binds neurons into a cross

Nature volume 617, pages 777–784 (2023)Cite this article

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Associating multiple sensory cues with objects and experience is a fundamental brain process that improves object recognition and memory performance. However, neural mechanisms that bind sensory features during learning and augment memory expression are unknown. Here we demonstrate multisensory appetitive and aversive memory in Drosophila. Combining colours and odours improved memory performance, even when each sensory modality was tested alone. Temporal control of neuronal function revealed visually selective mushroom body Kenyon cells (KCs) to be required for enhancement of both visual and olfactory memory after multisensory training. Voltage imaging in head-fixed flies showed that multisensory learning binds activity between streams of modality-specific KCs so that unimodal sensory input generates a multimodal neuronal response. Binding occurs between regions of the olfactory and visual KC axons, which receive valence-relevant dopaminergic reinforcement, and is propagated downstream. Dopamine locally releases GABAergic inhibition to permit specific microcircuits within KC-spanning serotonergic neurons to function as an excitatory bridge between the previously ‘modality-selective’ KC streams. Cross-modal binding thereby expands the KCs representing the memory engram for each modality into those representing the other. This broadening of the engram improves memory performance after multisensory learning and permits a single sensory feature to retrieve the memory of the multimodal experience.

Life is a rich multisensory experience for most animals. As a result, nervous systems have evolved to use multisensory representations of objects, scenes and events to most effectively guide behaviour1. It is widely appreciated that multisensory learning improves memory performance, from children in the classroom to rodents and insects in controlled laboratory experiments2,3,4,5. Moreover, an apparently universal and unexplained feature of multisensory learning is that it improves subsequent memory performance even for the separate unisensory components3,5. Studies in humans and other mammals have suggested that multisensory learning benefits from interactions between modality-specific cortices that were co-active during training, and that individual senses can reactivate both areas at testing3,6,7,8,9. In addition, cells in different brain regions respond to multiple sensory cues and the proportions or numbers change after multisensory learning1,10,11,12. However, we currently lack detailed mechanistic understanding of how multisensory learning converts neurons from being modality selective to multimodal, and how enhanced multisensory and unisensory memory performance could be supported by such a process.

In Drosophila, unique populations of mushroom body (MB) KCs receive predominant and anatomically segregated dendritic input from olfactory or visual projection neurons (as well as local visual interneurons) and their axons project as parallel streams into the MB lobes. There, successive compartments of the axonal arbor of each KC are intersected by the presynapses of dopaminergic neurons (DANs) that convey the reinforcing effects of appetitive or aversive stimuli13,14. Reinforcing dopamine depresses synapses between active KCs and the compartment-restricted dendrites of downstream MB output neurons to code valence-specific memories15,16,17.

To study multisensory learning in Drosophila, we adapted the olfactory T-maze18 so that colours and odours can be presented together (Fig. 1a). Food-deprived flies were trained by presenting them with a colour and/or odour (conditioned stimulus minus (CS−)), followed by another colour and/or odour (conditioned stimulus plus (CS+)) paired with a sugar reward (Fig. 1a,b). When trained and tested with only colours (visual learning), flies did not show significant learned preference for the previously sugar-paired colour (Fig. 1b–d and Extended Data Fig. 1a). However, combining colours with odours (congruent protocol) produced robust and long-lasting memory, which was significantly enhanced over that formed by training with only odours (olfactory learning) (Fig. 1b–d and Extended Data Fig. 1a,b). If colour and odour combinations were swapped between training and testing (incongruent protocol) (Fig. 1b–d and Extended Data Fig. 1a,b), no memory enhancement was observed. Furthermore, memory enhancement was not apparent if the same colour was presented with CS− and CS+ odours during training and testing (Extended Data Fig. 1c). The memory-enhancing effect of multisensory learning therefore requires a learned relationship between specific colour and odour combinations. For memory measured 6 h after training, the incongruent protocol revealed significantly decreased performance compared with that following olfactory learning (Fig. 1d), suggesting that flies are conflicted when colour–odour contingency is switched between training and testing.

a, Apparatus for multisensory training and testing (left), and the experimental timeline (right). b, Protocols. The green and blue squares represent colours, and the light and dark grey squares represent 3-octanol (OCT) and 4-methylcyclohexanol (MCH) odours. For visual (V) learning, colours were used as CS+ and CS−. For olfactory (O) learning, odours were used as CS+ and CS−. For the congruent (C) protocol, colours + odours were combined as CS+ and CS− and the same colour + odour combinations were used for training and testing. For the incongruent (I) protocol, colours + odours were combined as CS+ and CS−, but combinations were switched between training and testing. For olfactory retrieval (OR), colour + odour combinations were used for training but only odours were used for testing. For visual retrieval (VR), colour + odour combinations were used for training but only colours were used for testing. c,d, Training and testing timelines (top), and immediate (c) and 6 h (d) memory for V, O, C and I protocols (bottom). e,f, Timelines (top), and multisensory training with colours + odours tested immediately (e) and 6 h (f) after training for each individual modality (bottom). Asterisks denote significant difference (P < 0.05). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. Groups were compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's test (c,d) and unpaired two-sided t-test (e,f); exact P values and comparisons are provided in Supplementary Information. n = 8 for V and n = 10 for O, C and I (c); n = 10 (d); n = 10 (e); and n = 14 for O and OR and n = 10 for V and VR (f).

To further investigate multimodal memory enhancement, we restricted presentation of multisensory cues to either training or testing. Multisensory training improved memory retrieval even when each modality was presented alone during testing (olfactory retrieval and visual retrieval) (Fig. 1e,f). By contrast, presenting multisensory stimuli only during testing did not facilitate performance (multisensory retrieval) (Extended Data Fig. 1d). Moreover, the greatest improvement in performance was observed when multisensory stimuli were used during training and testing (Extended Data Fig. 1e). Therefore, multisensory training enhances memory performance for the individual colour and odour memory components, and congruence of colour and odour information between training and testing further improves performance. Although our experiments and elsewhere19 imply that flies distinguish green and blue colours, we do not discount a contribution of hue and luminance.

Dendrites of the numerically larger populations of olfactory KCs within the αβ-lobe, α′β′-lobe and γ-lobe (that is, γ-main (γm KCs)) occupy the main calyces of the MB, whereas the relatively small populations of αβ-posterior (αβp) and γ-dorsal (γd) KCs receive predominantly visual information via dendrites in the accessory calyces14. γd KCs were previously implicated in colour learning19,20. We tested roles for visual γd and αβp KCs in multisensory learning and memory, using cell-specific expression of a UAS-Shibirets1 (Shits1) transgene, which encodes a dominant temperature-sensitive dynamin21. At temperatures over 30 °C, Shits1 blocks membrane recycling and thus impairs synaptic transmission, whereas function can be restored by returning flies to less than 29 °C. Blocking output from γd and αβp KCs during testing at 6 h abolished visual enhancement of performance in the congruent protocol and removed the interference of incongruence; in both instances, memory performance was similar to that of flies tested with odours alone (Fig. 2a–d and Extended Data Fig. 2a–f). These results suggest that activity in γd and αβp KCs represents the visual component of multisensory memory (see also Extended Data Fig. 2g,h). Blocking γd KCs (but not αβp KCs) output during testing also impaired performance for odour-only memory retrieval in multisensory trained flies (Fig. 2e,f), despite having no effect on memory retrieval in flies trained with only odours22 (Extended Data Fig. 2a,d). This unexpected result led us to hypothesize that multisensory learning might expand the representation of odours to include ‘visual’ γd KCs.

a, Schematic of γd KCs (top left), and the timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line) (bottom left). Blocking output of γd KCs during testing using MB607B-GAL4;UAS-Shits1 in the congruent protocol is also shown (right). b, Blocking output of γd KCs during testing in the incongruent protocol. c, Schematic of αβp KCs (top left), and the timeline with temperature shifting (bottom left). Blocking output of αβp KCs during testing using c708a-GAL4;UAS-Shits1 in the congruent protocol is also shown (right). d, Blocking output of αβp KCs during the incongruent protocol. e,f, Timeline with temperature shifting (top), and blocking output of γd (e) and αβp (f) KCs during testing of olfactory retrieval of multisensory memory (bottom). Asterisks denote significant difference (P < 0.05). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. All groups were compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test; exact P values and comparisons are provided in Supplementary Information. n = 12 (a,b,d,f) and n = 10 (c,e). See Extended Data Fig. 2 for controls.

To directly test for learned odour-evoked responses in γd KCs after multisensory training, we expressed the voltage sensor UAS-ASAP2f23 in γd KCs and performed two-photon functional imaging (Fig. 3a–d and Extended Data Fig. 3a,b,f,g). Flies received multisensory (colour + odour), unisensory (odour) or unpaired (sugar presented 2 min after colour + odour) training. Six hours after training, flies were imaged for CS+ and CS− odour responses. Recordings of γd KC axons were made in the terminal γ5 compartment of the MB horizontal lobe, as sugar-rewarding DANs drive learning-relevant presynaptic depression of KC–MB output neuron synapses in γ4 and γ5 compartments24,25. For comparison, we imaged the responses of γd KCs in the proximal γ1 compartment, which houses the presynaptic field of DANs providing aversive teaching signals26,27,28. Odour presentation was previously shown to evoke slow inhibition in γd19 and αβp22 KCs of naive flies. We found that presentation of the CS− odour evoked hyperpolarization of γd KCs in both γ1 and γ5 compartments, regardless of the training protocol (Fig. 3a–d and Extended Data Fig. 3a,b, light purple trace). However, after multisensory training, the CS+ odour produced significant depolarization of γd KC axons in the γ5 compartment (Fig. 3a, dark purple trace). CS+ responses in the γ1 compartment appeared less inhibitory than those to CS− (Fig. 3b; although the responses were statistically indistinguishable), perhaps due to the PPL1-γ1pedc DANs being modulated by the hunger state of the fly29,30. The multisensory training-driven sign reversal of the γd KC odour response in γ5 did not occur following unisensory odour-only training (Fig. 3c, dark purple trace) or unpaired training (Extended Data Fig. 3a, dark purple trace). In these cases, both CS+ and CS− odours evoked hyperpolarization in γ1 and γ5 compartments (Fig. 3c,d and Extended Data Fig. 3a,b). Imaging colour-evoked signals revealed strong responses to both colours in γd KCs of naive flies (Extended Data Fig. 3c). Recording γm KCs revealed a pronounced γ5 compartment-restricted gain of excitation by the CS+ colour after multisensory training, with no alteration of responses in the γ1 compartment (Fig. 3e,f; note that laser-scanning image detection is blocked by a shutter during colour presentation). Pulsing coloured light that is required for these imaging experiments did not impair multisensory learning and visual retrieval (Extended Data Fig. 3d,e) or γm KC responses to odours (Extended Data Fig. 3h,i). These results indicate that dopaminergic reward teaching signals broaden CS+ odour-evoked and CS+ colour-evoked excitation within the γ-KC ensemble by recruiting the γ5 segments of γd KC axons to be odour activated and γm colour activated (Fig. 3g). These larger colour and odour memory engrams provide a mechanism for how odour and colour memory performance is enhanced following multisensory training (Fig.1e,f), and explains why odour memory retrieval in this context acquires a requirement for γd KC output (Fig. 2e).

In panels a–f, timelines for appetitive multisensory (colour + odour) or appetitive unisensory (odour) training followed by odour or colour response imaging (top left); imaging plane in either the γ5 or γ1 region of γd or γm KC axons (lower left); traces of CS+ and CS− odour-evoked activity (middle); and quantification of responses (right) are shown. a, γ5 Region of γd KC axons showed an excitatory response to the CS+ odour (a decrease in fluorescence increases the –ΔF/F0 of the ASAP2f voltage sensor) after multisensory training. γ5 Axons were inhibited by the CS− odour (decrease in −ΔF/F0). b, Excitatory responses to the CS+ odour were not observed in γ1 and the CS− odour elicited inhibition. c,d, Both γ5 (c) and γ1 (d) regions showed inhibition to CS+ and CS− odours after appetitive unisensory (odour) training. e, γ5 Region of γm KC axons showed an excitatory response only to the CS+ colour after multisensory training. f, Excitation to the CS+ colour was not observed in γ1. For all traces and quantifications in this study, CS+ data correspond to average responses in which half of the trials used blue or MCH as CS+ and the other half used green or OCT as CS+. The same applies for CS− data. Odour-evoked or colour-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with s.e.m. (shadow). Horizontal dashed lines indicates the baseline activity. In a–d, the solid black line below traces marks 5-s odour exposure. In e and f, the vertical grey bar corresponds to the 0.75-s colour presentation when image acquisition is shuttered and dotted box corresponds to the 1.75-s period of quantification. Asterisks denote significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each fly are connected by a dashed line. All groups were compared using paired two-sided t-test; exact P values and comparisons are provided in Supplementary Information. n = 26 flies (a,b); n = 24 flies (c); n = 22 flies (d); and n = 16 flies (e,f). g, MB model for appetitive multisensory colour + odour training followed by unisensory odour or colour testing. γm KCs receive dendritic olfactory input and γd visual input. Both γ-KC types project axons through γ1–γ5 compartments of the MB γ-lobe. Appetitive training (left) engages reward DANs (green) innervating γ4 and γ5, whose released dopamine encodes learning by depressing synapses49 between odour-activated KCs and avoidance-directing MB output neurons (not illustrated)14. Dopamine signalling during multisensory learning also binds γm and γd KC activity in γ4–γ5 compartments. During future unisensory odour testing (middle), the CS+ odour excites specific γm KCs (thick grey arrow), which in turn activate γd axons in γ4–γ5 compartments (grey dashed lines to yellow). Reverse γd-mediated activation of γm KCs occurs with unisensory colour testing (right).

Voltage-imaging of the γd KC somata did not show odour activation after multisensory reward training (Extended Data Fig. 3f,g), suggesting that learning-driven recruitment of these neurons to be odour-responsive does not occur by enhancing dendritic input. We therefore further tested a model of axonal recruitment. We reasoned that if DANs direct the recruitment of γd axons to become odour activated (and γm axons to become colour activated), an aversive learning event that requires dopamine release from the PPL1-γ1pedc DANs that innervate the most proximal γ1 lobe compartment31 should confer odour responsiveness onto all downstream γd axon segments from γ1 to γ5. We confirmed that multisensory colour and odour aversive (electric shock) training produced memory enhancement for both combined and individual cues, similar to that observed after appetitive training (Extended Data Fig. 4a–f), and that γd KCs were also required for odour memory enhancement following aversive multisensory training (Extended Data Fig. 4g–l). We next used two-photon voltage imaging to test whether γd axons from γ1 onwards gained CS+ odour activation after multisensory aversive learning. CS− odour presentation evoked hyperpolarization of γd KCs in both γ1 and γ5 compartments, regardless of training protocol (Fig. 4a,b and Extended Data Fig. 4m–p, light purple trace). By contrast, after multisensory aversive training, CS+ odour produced brief excitation of γd KCs in γ1 and γ5 (Fig. 4a,b, dark purple trace). Recordings of odour responses in γd KCs following appetitive and aversive multisensory learning, and of colour-evoked γm KCs after appetitive multisensory learning, are therefore consistent with the location of DAN teaching signals determining the portion of a γ-KC axon that gains activation by the other CS+ modality. Whereas aversive learning makes all axon segments downstream of γ1 excitable by the reciprocal modality (Fig. 4c), reward learning mostly alters CS+ excitation within the γ4 and γ5 segments (Fig. 3g).

a,b, Aversive multisensory (colour + odour) training and odour imaging timelines (top left). The imaging plane in either the γ1 (a) or γ5 (b) region of γd KC axons (bottom left). Traces of CS+ and CS− odour-evoked activity (middle). Quantification of odour-evoked responses (right). The γ1 region showed excitation to the CS+ odour and inhibition to the CS− odour after aversive multisensory training (a). The CS+ odour evoked less inhibition in γ1 than CS− (b). Odour-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with s.e.m. (shadow). Horizontal dashed lines indicate baseline activity. The solid black line below traces marks 5-s odour exposure. Asterisks denote significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each fly are connected by a dashed line. c, MB model for aversive multisensory training followed by odour testing. Aversive multisensory training (left) engages punishment DANs (red) that depress synapses16,17 between γm and γd KCs and approach-directing γ1 and γ2 MB output neurons16,17 (not shown) while also binding γd and γm KC activity in these compartments. Unisensory odour testing (right) excites specific γm KCs, which activate γd axons from γ1 forward. d,e, Previous aversive multisensory learning enhances future appetitive but not aversive odour learning. Protocols are shown (left). Starved flies were divided into aversive multisensory training (group I) and aversive unisensory odour training (group II). Three hours later, both groups were trained with odours and sugar reward (using the same CS+ or CS− odours as for the initial training) and tested immediately afterwards. Memory performance is also shown (right). Group I initially trained with the multisensory aversive protocol performed better than group II initially trained with only odours (d). Group I initially trained with the multisensory appetitive protocol did not outperform group II initially trained with only odours (e). Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. Groups were compared using paired two-sided t-test (a,b) and unpaired two-sided t-test (d,e); exact P values and comparisons are provided in Supplementary Information. n = 24 flies (a,b), n = 12 (d) and n = 8 (e).

An expansion of the CS+ odour representation into a particular segment of the γd axons after multisensory training might be expected to facilitate subsequent learning with the same odour, if the next DAN teaching signal intersects the expanded KC representation. We tested this notion by sequentially training flies with either an aversive (dopamine in γ1) or appetitive (dopamine in γ4 and γ5) multisensory protocol followed by unisensory odour-reward or odour-punishment learning (Fig 4f,g). Previous multisensory aversive training significantly enhanced subsequent odour-reward learning (Fig. 4d). However, no enhancement was apparent if aversive odour learning followed multisensory appetitive learning (Fig. 4e). Therefore, the multisensory training-dependent expansion of the CS+ odour representation can be included into the next CS+ odour memory engram if appropriate γd axon segments have become CS+ odour activated.

The anatomy of the MB network suggests two possible ways to confer odour responsiveness to γd KC axons: via KC–KC synapses or neurons positioned to bridge the different KC streams. We queried the anatomical feasibility of these routes using the complete MB connectome of a single adult female fly ‘hemibrain’ electron microscope volume32,33. Although most (562 of 590) γm KCs make synapses with γd KCs, the number and placement of these connections do not support every γd KC to receive γm input in every γ-lobe compartment. In addition, KC–KC connections were reported to suppress activity in neighbouring KCs34. We next studied the fine anatomy of the γ-lobe innervation of the potentially excitatory serotonergic dorsal paired medial (DPM) neuron in the hemibrain electron microscope volume. DPM neurons send separate branches that densely innervate the vertical and horizontal lobes and distal peduncle of the MB, where they are both presynaptic and postsynaptic to KCs35,36,37. The ultrastructure of DPM neuronal projections in the γ-lobe revealed two branches within γ1 and other ventral and dorsal branches passing through the γ2–γ5 compartments (Fig. 5a). The positions of DPM neuronal synapses onto γd KCs follow the γd KC axon bundle as it winds around the γ-lobe from ventral in the γ1 compartment to dorsal in the γ5 compartment (Fig. 5a).

a, 3D representation of MB (light grey) with DPM neuron γ-lobe neurites (teal) (left). DPM trifurcates (asterisk) into dorsal (dark teal), ventral (light teal) and γ1 compartment (teal) branches. Neurites are shaded by Strahler order, and twigs with Strahler order less than 1 were pruned. Details of the γ-lobe with γ1–γ5 compartment borders (dashed lines) are displayed (right). DPM presynapses to γd KCs (yellow spheres) colocalize on the dorsal DPM branch in γ5. Input synapses from γm KCs (grey spheres) to DPM are located throughout the ventral and dorsal branches. In γ5, 450 of 585 γm KCs made synapses with the DPM dorsal branch, where 89 of 98 γd KCs also received DPM input. APL neuronal inputs (magenta spheres) localize along both DPM branches. b, 2D dendrogram projection of DPM neurites (shades of teal; see Extended Data Fig. 5a for details). The γ1 compartment is marked and γ2–γ5 compartments are split between dorsal and ventral DPM neuronal branches. Inputs from γm KCs (grey spheres) and outputs to γd KCs (yellow spheres) colocalize on compartment-specific branches. Inhibitory inputs from the APL neuron (magenta spheres) are distributed across DPM neurites. APL connectivity is detailed in Extended Data Fig. 5b. c,d, DPM neuron schematic (c; top). The timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line) is also shown. Blocking output of DPM neurons with VT64246-GAL4;UAS-Shits1 during training (c) or testing (d) of the 6-h olfactory retrieval performance is displayed (bottom). e,f, Appetitive multisensory (colour + odour) training and odour imaging timelines for DPM neurons (left). The imaging planes in γ5 (e) and γ1 (f) regions of DPM neurons and traces of CS+ and CS− odour-evoked activity are shown (middle). Quantification of responses is displayed (right). γ5 and γ1 regions of DPM showed excitatory responses to CS+ and CS− odours, but CS+ responses were only specifically enhanced in γ5. g, Timeline (left). RNAi knockdown of 5-HT2A, but not 5-HT2B or 5-HT7, receptors in γd KCs with MB607B-GAL4 impaired olfactory retrieval performance after multisensory training. In c,d,g, data are represented as mean ± s.e.m., individual data points are displayed as dots and the asterisks denote significant difference (P < 0.05). Bkg, RNAi background. h, Appetitive multisensory training and odour imaging timeline (top left). The imaging plane in γ5 of γd KC axons (bottom left). Traces of CS+ and CS− odour-evoked activity (middle). 5HT2AR-RNAi eliminated gain-of-odour-evoked excitation in γ5 of γd KCs after multisensory training (see also Fig. 3a); CS+ and CS− odours similarly inhibited γd KC axons. Quantification is also shown (right). Odour-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with s.e.m. (shadow). Horizontal dashed lines indicate baseline activity. The solid black line underneath traces marks 5s odour exposure. The asterisk in e denotes significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each fly are connected by dashed lines. Groups were compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (c,d), paired two-sided t-test (e,f,h) and one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's test (g); exact P values and comparisons are provided in Supplementary Information. n = 8 for Shi and n = 9 for other groups (c); n = 10 (d,g); n = 26 flies (e,f); and n = 24 flies (h). See Extended Data Fig. 7 for controls. i, Model of DPM microcircuit bridging of odour-specific and colour-specific KCs following multisensory learning.

Annotating a dendrogram of DPM neurites (Fig. 5b) with γ-lobe compartment boundaries (based on DAN connectivity), synapses from γm KCs and those to γd KCs, showed that unique branches of the DPM neuron can provide compartment-specific microcircuit bridges between γm and γd KCs. DPM neurons can also bridge γd to γm KCs (Extended Data Fig. 5a). The large GABAergic anterior paired lateral (APL)38 neuron was found to make synapses along DPM branches in the γ-lobe (Fig. 5b and Extended Data Fig. 5a), suggesting that DPM bridging can be regulated by local inhibition. The APL neuron receives many DAN inputs within each compartment and can therefore also be regulated with region specificity39 (Extended Data Fig. 5b), to potentially release specific DPM branches from APL inhibition.

We challenged this putative microcircuit bridge model by independently manipulating APL and DPM neurons. Expression in APL neurons of the DopR2 dopamine receptor has been linked to aversive learning40, and transcriptional profiling has suggested that APL neurons also express the DopEcR receptor41. Both of these dopamine receptors are known to have inhibitory action42,43. We therefore used tubP-GAL80ts (ref. 44) to temporally restrict transgenic RNAi in APL neurons to test a role of these receptors in multisensory learning. Knocking down Dop2R in adult APL neurons abolished multisensory enhancement of olfactory retrieval performance (Extended Data Fig. 6a,c). A mild defect was also observed for odour memory following olfactory appetitive conditioning; however, the difference was only significant to one control (Extended Data Fig. 6b,d). By contrast, DopEcR RNAi had no effect in either experiment (Extended Data Fig. 6e,f). These results are consistent with reinforcing dopamine-inhibiting APL neurons to allow recruitment of γd KCs into the olfactory memory engram during multisensory learning.

We tested a role for the serotonergic DPM neurons using expression of UAS-Shits1. Temporally restricting transmission from DPM neurons either during acquisition (Fig. 5c and Extended Data Fig. 7a) or retrieval (Fig. 5d and Extended Data Fig. 7a) significantly impaired the multisensory training enhancement of odour retrieval memory. Blocking DPM neuronal output also impaired retrieval of visual memory after multisensory learning (Extended Data Fig. 7b). These same manipulations had no effect on odour memory after unisensory olfactory learning (Extended Data Fig. 7c), as in a previous study45. These data are consistent with DPM neuronal output being required during learning to bind together simultaneously active KC streams, whereas DPM neuronal output during memory retrieval provides the connection for odour-driven γm KCs to activate the relevant γd KCs.

We next performed behavioural and physiological experiments to directly test a model that multisensory learning establishes an excitatory DPM neuron microcircuit bridge between olfactory γm and visual γd KCs. We first used UAS-Shits1 to determine whether γ-KC (γm and γd) output was required during training for enhancement of olfactory and visual memory retrieval after multisensory training. Whereas blocking γ-KCs during multisensory learning significantly impaired both olfactory and visual retrieval (Extended Data Fig. 7e–h), it did not alter olfactory learning (Extended Data Fig. 7d), as in previous studies46,47,48. Finding that network plasticity of multisensory memory requires KC output suggests that it involves different learning rules to that of unisensory olfactory memory16,49.

We used UAS-ASAP2f to search for compartment-specific plasticity of the functional connectivity of DPM neurons following multisensory reward learning. Olfactory reward learning was shown to specifically increase the calcium responses in DPM neurons to the CS+ odour for up to 2.5 h (refs. 36,50) (see 1-h voltage recordings; Extended Data Fig. 7k–l). Recording 6 h after multisensory training revealed a clear and specific increase of CS+ odour voltage responses in DPM projections in the γ5, but not the γ1, compartment (Fig. 5e,f), which was absent at this time following olfactory learning (Extended Data Fig. 7i,j). This suggests that multisensory reward learning potentiates synapses from CS+ odour-specific γm KCs to DPM neurons within the microcircuitry of the γ5 compartment of the MB. As our previous imaging of γd KCs showed that they too become CS+ odour activated in their γ5 segments after multisensory reward learning (Fig. 3a), we tested whether gain-of-γd odour responsiveness could be mediated by DPM neuron-released serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)). We first established that bath application of 5-HT (in the presence of tetrodoxin to block indirect activation via other neurons) directly evoked depolarization of γd KCs expressing UAS-ASAP2f in naive flies (Extended Data Fig. 7o,p). 5-HT can exert excitatory effects through 5-HT2A-type and 5-HT7-type receptors51. We therefore used RNAi to knockdown these receptors in γd KCs. Reducing 5-HT2A, but not 5-HT7 or 5-HT2B, receptor expression impaired olfactory memory performance after multisensory training (Fig. 5g) but not olfactory training (Extended Data Fig. 7q). In addition, co-expressing 5-HT2A RNAi with UAS-ASAP2f in γd KCs abolished the multisensory learning-induced gain-of-CS+ odour activation in the γ5 region of γd KCs (Fig. 5h), but did not affect colour-evoked responses (Extended Data Fig. 7r). Together, these anatomical, genetic and physiological data lead us to conclude that reinforcer-evoked compartment-specific dopamine releases APL-mediated inhibition, which facilitates the same reinforcing dopamine to induce KC–DPM and DPM–KC plasticity that forms excitatory serotonergic odour–colour-specific DPM microcircuit bridges between the relevant γm and γd KCs (Fig. 5i), and probably vice versa.

Our study describes a precise neural mechanism in Drosophila through which multisensory learning improves subsequent memory performance, even for individual sensory cues. A single training trial with visual cues could only generate robust memory performance if they were combined with odours during training, similar to visual rhythm perception learning in humans, which requires accompanying auditory information52. We showed that multisensory learning binds together information from temporally contingent odours and colours within axons of MB γ-KCs, via serotonergic DPM neurons, whose activity also defines the coincidence time window53. This learning-driven binding converts axons of visually (presumably colour) selective KCs to also become responsive to the temporally contingent trained odour. We also demonstrated that axons of olfactory-selective KCs become activated by the temporally contingent trained colour. Although predominant dendritic input defines γm KCs as being olfactory and γd as being visual, our recordings showed that segments of their axons become multimodal after multisensory learning. This result suggests that γ-KCs are a likely substrate where other temporally contingent sensory information can be integrated with that of explicit sensory cues54,55.

Although our experiments mostly focused on odour-activated γm KCs recruiting colour γd KCs via DPM microcircuits, the observed behavioural enhancement of visual memory following multisensory learning, the demonstration that γm KCs become responsive to the trained colour, and the reciprocal connectivity of DPM neurons suggest that DPM neurons also probably mediate a reverse polarity bridge. In so doing, multisensory learning uses DPM neurons to link KCs that are responsive to each temporally contingent sensory cue and expands representations of each cue into that of the other. This cross-modal expansion allows multisensory experience to be efficiently retrieved by combined cues and by each individually. As a result, trained flies can evoke a memory of a visual experience with the learned odour, and memory of an odour with the learned colour. These findings provide a neural mechanism through which the fly achieves a conceptual equivalent of hippocampus-dependent pattern completion in mammals, in which partial scenes can retrieve a more complete memory representation56. Human patients with schizophrenia and autism exhibit deficits in multisensory integration57, and these conditions have been linked to serotonergic dysfunction and 5-HT2A receptors58. Our work here suggests that inappropriate routing of multisensory percepts may contribute to these conditions. Moreover, the excitatory 5-HT2A receptors that mediate multisensory binding are the major targets of hallucinogenic drugs59.

All Drosophila melanogaster strains were reared at 25 °C and 40–50% humidity, except where noted, on standard cornmeal-agar food (100 g l−1 anhydrous d-glucose, 47.27 g l−1 organic maize flour, 25 g l−1 autolysed yeast, 7.18 g l−1 agar and 12.18 g Tegosept dissolved in 8.36 ml absolute ethanol, per litre of fly food) in 12:12-h light:dark cycle. Canton-S flies were used as wild type (WT) and originated from William Quinn's laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA). The following GAL4 lines were used in the behavioural experiments: MB607B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60), MB009B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60), c708a-GAL4 (ref. 61), VT43924-GAL4.2 (ref. 39) and VT64246-GAL4 (ref. 62). Temperature-controlled blocking of neuronal output was achieved by expressing the UAS-Shits1 (ref. 21) transgene under the control of the MB607B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60), MB009B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60), c708a-GAL4 (ref. 61) and VT64246-GAL4 (ref. 62) drivers. For RNAi knockdown experiments involving APL, tubP-GAL80ts (ref. 44), VT43924-GAL4.2 (ref. 39) flies were crossed with UAS-Dop2R RNAi63 and UAS-DopEcR RNAi (VDRC ID: 103494) flies. The same driver line was crossed with WT flies and the RNAi background strain (VDRC ID: 60100), as controls. For RNAi knockdown experiments involving γd KCs, MB607B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60) flies were crossed with UAS-5-HT2A RNAi (31882, BDSC), UAS-5-HT2B RNAi (60488, BDSC) and UAS-5-HT7 RNAi (27273, BDSC) flies. The same driver line was crossed with the RNAi background strain (36304, BDSC), as controls. For live-imaging experiments, UAS-ASAP2f64 was expressed using MB607B-GAL4 (refs. 13,60) and VT64246-GAL4 (ref. 62) and UAS-ASAP2s65 with the 1471-GAL4 (ref. 66) driver line. We used both male and female flies for the behavioural and imaging experiments.

Male flies from the GAL4 lines were crossed to UAS-Shits1 virgin females, except for experiments involving c708a-GAL4, in which UAS-Shits1 males were crossed with c708a-GAL4 virgin females. For heterozygous controls, GAL4 or UAS-Shits1 flies were crossed to WT flies. In RNAi experiments, GAL4 or RNAi flies were crossed with the appropriate RNAi background strains or WT flies, respectively. All flies were raised at 25 °C, except where noted below for manipulation of RNAi expression. Populations of 2–8-day-old flies were used in all experiments.

For appetitive conditioning experiments, 80–100 flies were placed in a 25-ml vial containing 1% agar (as a water source) and a 20 × 60-mm piece of filter paper for 19–22 h before training and were kept starved for the entire experiment, except when assaying 24-h memory in which flies were fed for 30 min after training then returned to starvation vials until testing. For aversive conditioning experiments, 80–100 flies were placed in a vial containing standard food and a piece of filter paper for 14–22 h before behavioural experiments.

For experiments involving neuronal blocking with UAS-Shits1, a schematic of the timeline of temperature shifting is provided in each figure. For Shits1 experiments, flies were transferred to a restrictive 33 °C for 30 min before training and/or testing. For RNAi experiments involving tubP-GAL80ts;VT43924-GAL4.2, flies were raised at 18 °C and shifted to 29 °C after eclosion to induce RNAi expression for 3 days before the behavioural experiments. The flies remained at 29 °C for the duration of the experiments.

All behavioural experiments were conducted using a standard T-maze that was modified to allow simultaneous delivery of colour and odour stimuli. The T-maze, which is made from translucent plastic, was covered in opaque blackout film to minimize interference between the visual stimuli when they were used in parallel. Odours were MCH and OCT diluted in mineral oil (at approximately 1:10−3 dilution). Colours were provided by light-emitting diodes (LEDs); green LEDs with a wavelength of 530 ± 10 nm (PM2E-3LGE-SD, ProLight Opto) and blue LEDs with a wavelength of 465 ± 10 nm (PM2B-3LDE-SD, ProLight Opto). Four LEDs were assembled in a circuit built onto a heat sink and were mounted securely on top of the odour delivery tubes. The intensities of the LEDs were adjusted so that naive flies showed no phototactic preference between the illuminated T-maze arms. Visual stimuli were presented in the same manner and same intensity for both training and testing. For appetitive experiments, the testing tubes were lined with filter paper; for aversive experiments, the testing tubes were lined with non-electrified shock grids. Experiments were performed in an environmental chamber set to the desired temperature and 55–65% relative humidity. Flies were handled before training and testing under overhead red light.

Appetitive conditioning was performed essentially as previously described67. In brief, flies were exposed for 2 min to stimuli Y (YColour and/or YOdour) without reinforcement in a tube with dry filter paper (CS−), 30 s of clean air, then 2 min with stimuli X (XColour and/or XOdour) presented with 5.8 M sucrose dried on filter paper (CS+). For aversive olfactory conditioning17,18, flies received 1-min exposure to stimuli X (XColour and/or XOdour) paired with twelve 90-V electric shocks at 5-s intervals (CS+), 45 s of clean air, followed by 1-min exposure to stimuli Y (YColour and/or YOdour) without reinforcement (CS−). Electric shocks were delivered using a Grass S48 Square Pulse Stimulator (Grass Technology). Shock grids were those previously described68 and consist of interleaved copper rows printed on transparent Mylar film, which allows coloured light to pass through.

Memory performance was assessed by testing flies for their preference between the CS− and the CS+ colours and/or odours for 2 min. Odour testing was performed in darkness. The flies in each arm were collected and transferred to polystyrene tubes (14-ml round bottom polypropylene test tube with cap, Falcon). Tubes with flies were frozen at −20 °C and flies were then removed and manually counted.

Performance indices were calculated as the number of flies in the CS+ arm minus the number in the CS− arm, divided by the total number of flies. For all behavioural experiments, a single sample, or n, represents the average performance index from two independent groups of flies trained with the reciprocal colour–odour combinations as CS+ and CS−. The total n for each experiment was acquired over three different training sessions on different days.

Six behavioural protocols were used:

Visual learning: colours (XColour and YColour) were used as CS+ and CS−.

Olfactory learning: odours (XOdour and YOdour) were used as CS+ and CS−.

Congruent protocol: colours and odours were combined (XColour + XOdour and YColour + YOdour) as CS+ and CS−. The same colour and odour combinations were used during training and testing.

Incongruent protocol: colour and odour stimulus contingencies were switched between training (XColour + YOdour and YColour + XOdour) and testing (XColour + XOdour and YColour + YOdour).

The visual and olfactory learning protocols are unisensory, whereas the congruent and incongruent protocols are multisensory.

Olfactory retrieval: flies were trained as in the congruent protocol, but only odours (XOdour and YOdour) were presented as the choice at test.

Visual retrieval: flies were trained as in the congruent protocol, but only colours (XColour and YColour) were presented as the choice at test.

The sequential learning experiments depicted in Fig. 4f,g used aversive or appetitive congruent multisensory training followed by unisensory appetitive or aversive olfactory learning, then testing using olfactory retrieval.

All flies were raised at 25 °C and 3–8-day-old male and female flies were used in all experiments. Imaging experiments were performed essentially as previously described69,70,71. In brief, flies were trained in the T-maze setup using either olfactory learning (protocol 2), a congruent multisensory protocol (protocol 3) or an unpaired training protocol. In unpaired training, flies were exposed to the combined odour and visual stimuli (XColour + XOdour and YColour + YOdour combination), but the shock or sugar was presented alone 2 min before or after the CS+, respectively. After training, flies were kept in darkness until recording. Just before recording, flies were briefly immobilized on ice and mounted in a custom-made chamber allowing free movement of the antennae and legs. The head capsule was opened under room temperature carbogenated (95% O2 and 5% CO2) buffer solution, and the fly, in the recording chamber, was placed under a two-photon microscope (Scientifica). For starved flies, the following sugar-free buffer was used: 108 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 5 mM HEPES, 15 mM ribose, 4 mM NaHCO3, 1 mM NaH2PO4, 2 mM CaCl2 and 8.2 mM MgCl2, osmolarity 272 mOsm, pH 7.3). For fed flies, the following buffer was used: 103 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, 5mM N-Tris, 10 mM trehalose, 10 mM glucose, 7 mM sucrose, 26 mM NaHCO3, 1 mM NaH2PO4, 1.5 mM CaCl2 and 4 mM MgCl2, osmolarity 275 mOsm, pH 7.3).

Flies were subjected to a constant air stream, carrying vapour from mineral oil solvent (air). For odour-evoked imaging experiments, flies were sequentially exposed to CS+ and CS− odour, each for 5 s, interspersed by 30 s, to simulate the behavioural test. As in the behaviour experiments, the odours were MCH and OCT (diluted in mineral oil at approximately 1:10−3), and they were used reciprocally as CS+ and CS−. Any flies that did not respond to one of the two presented odours were excluded from further analyses. For colour-evoked imaging experiments, the colour presentation was interleaved with image acquisition. This was achieved using a shutter on the objective (Ø1/2" stainless steel diaphragm optical beam shutter with controller, Thorlabs) and a second externally controlled shutter (Vincent/UniBlitz VS35S2ZM1R1-21 Uni-Stable Shutter; UniBlitz VMM-T1 Shutter Driver/Timer Controller) on the LED delivery system. For each cycle of recording, colour was presented for 0.75 s at 0.4 Hz and followed by image acquisition for 1.75 s. Importantly, 0.4-Hz pulsed colour presentation evoked robust responses in γd KCs in naive flies, measured with UAS-ASAP2f (Extended Data Fig. 4h), and behavioural memory testing with 0.4-Hz flickered colours produced similar memory performance to that generated with continuous colour presentation (Extended Data Fig. 4d,e). We used UAS-ASAP2s for γm KC recordings because it produces slower and larger responses than ASAP2f, which we considered to be beneficial for the image acquisition being interleaved with colour presentation. Flies were sequentially exposed four times to the CS+ colour and then four times to the CS− colour with each colour presentation followed by an image acquisition cycle. A 30-s interval separated the CS+ and CS− recordings. Blue and green were used reciprocally as CS+ and CS−. One hemisphere of the brain was randomly selected to image KC axons. It is rarely possible to image across all MB compartments of the γ-lobe because γ1 and γ5 are most often in different planes. We therefore had to analyse these two compartments independently.

Fluorescence was excited using approximately 140-fs pulses, 80-MHz repetition rate, centred on 910 nm generated by a Ti-Sapphire laser (Chameleon Ultra II, Coherent). Images of 256 × 256 pixels were acquired at 5.92 Hz, controlled by ScanImage 3.8 software72. Odours were delivered using a custom-designed system73, controlled by LabView (v.11).

For acute 5-HT application, we used a perfusion pump system (14-284-201, Fisher Scientific) to continuously deliver saline at a rate of approximately 0.043 ml s−1. 5-HT was applied in the presence of 1 µM tetrodotoxin to block voltage-gated sodium channels and propagation of action potentials that could result in indirect excitation. To examine the effects of serotonin on γd KC membrane voltage, baseline fluorescence was recorded for 5 min before switching to a solution containing 100 μM serotonin hydrochloride (H9523, Sigma Aldrich) for an additional 5 min of recording. Washout was performed by changing the solution back to saline. The time of application and concentration of 5-HT used is comparable to recent physiological studies applying exogenous 5-HT to the Drosophila brain74,75,76,77. Owing to perfusion tubing length and dead volume, the perfusion switch took approximately 70 s to reach the brain.

For analysis, two-photon fluorescence images were manually segmented using Fiji78, using a custom-made code including an image stabilizer plugin79. Movement of the animals was small enough for images to not require registration. For subsequent quantitative analyses, custom Fiji and MATLAB scripts were used. The baseline fluorescence, F0, was defined for each stimulus response as the mean fluorescence F from 2 s before and up to the point of odour or colour presentation (or 30 s after the start of the recordings for 5-HT treatments). −ΔF/F0 accordingly describes the fluorescence relative to this baseline. For the odour-evoked responses of KCs, the area under the curve was measured as the integral of −ΔF/F0 during the 5-s odour stimulation. We elected to maintain the natural units of the experiment when reporting the integrated area under the curve (that is, (−ΔF/F0) × (5 s)), because we do not make any inferences regarding the shape of the response. For the colour-evoked KC responses, the mean fluorescence signal (−ΔF/F0) for the first acquisition cycle (1.75 s) was quantified. Each n corresponds to a recording from a different individual fly. All data were acquired over three different training sessions on different days.

For 5-HT treatments, we defined the ‘pre-treatment’ as the mean −ΔF/F0 value for 300 s before the 5-HT delivery, the 5-HT application was the mean −ΔF/F0 for 300 s during 5-HT delivery and the ‘washout’ treatment as the mean −ΔF/F0 for 300 s from the offset of drug delivery. Traces were smoothed over 5 s by a moving average filter. Each n corresponds to a recording from a different individual fly. All data were acquired across three different imaging sessions on different days.

ASAP2f and ASAP2s data are presented as −ΔF/F0 to correct the inverse relation between sensor fluorescence and membrane voltage.

Statistical analyses were performed in GraphPad Prism. All behavioural data were analysed with an unpaired two-sided t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, one-way ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis H-test followed by a post-hoc Tukey's, Dunnett's or Dunn's multiple comparisons test. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. Sample sizes were similar to other publications in the field. For the imaging experiments, odour-evoked responses were compared by a paired two-sided t-test for normally distributed data and repeated measures one-way ANOVA, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for non-Gaussian distributed data. Normality was tested using the D’Agostino and Pearson normality test. For imaging data, a method for outlier identification was run for each dataset (ROUT method), which is based on the false discovery rate. The false discovery rate was set to the highest Q value possible (10%). In datasets in which potential outliers were identified, statistical analyses were performed by removing all odour-evoked responses for those flies. The analyses with or without the outliers were not different, so we decided to maintain and present the complete datasets, which may contain potential outliers. Partial eta squared was used to report effect sizes (η2 = 0.01 indicates a small effect; η2 = 0.06 indicates a medium effect; η2 = 0.14 indicates a large effect); the formula used is reported in statistics table. All statistical analyses are also reported in the statistics table in the Supplementary Information.

The experiments were randomized with appropriate controls present in each independent experiment. All genotypes tested and analysed were self-blinded to the experimenter. More details regarding research design are in the Reporting Summary.

Neuromorphological calculations and connectivity analyses were performed, and dendrograms were calculated and plotted, with scripts based on NAVis 1.2.1 library functions in Python 3.8.8 (; and data from the Drosophila hemibrain (v.1.2.1) (,33. All neuronal skeletons were healed (navis.heal_skeleton (method = "ALL", max_dist = "100 nanometer", min_size = 10)), rerooted (navis.reroot_skeleton (x.soma)) and strongly down sampled with conserved connectors (navis.downsample_neuron(downsampling_factor = 1000, preserve_nodes = ‘connectors’)).

3D representations of neurons shaded by Strahler order were generated with navis.plot2d (method=‘3d’, shade_by=‘strahler_index’), after pruning twigs with Strahler order of 1 or less (navis.prune_by_strahler()). Where applicable, only branches in specific volumes were considered (navis.in_volume()). Volumes were obtained from neuprint (v.1.2.1) with fetch_roi(). Connectivity was analysed using unpruned neurons and with compartment specificity (navis.in_volume()).

Custom scripts based on navis.plot_flat() were used to generate dendrograms of DPM and APL neurons with twigs of Strahler order of 1 or less pruned. MB compartment boundaries were defined by connectivity to DANs of the respective compartments. Branches outside the γ-lobe were downsized manually to increase the visibility of γ-lobe compartments. Synapses are filtered by in_volume() and displayed on branches with Strahler order of more than 1. Connectivity statistics are based on unpruned neurons, and synapses between neurons were obtained with R based natverse:: neuprint_get_synapses() ( scripts and processed with custom scripts in Python.

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.

Data supporting the findings of this study are available at The dataset for the Drosophila hemibrain mentioned in the section ‘Neuroanatomy, connectivity and dendrograms’ in the Methods is publicly available at

Customized MATLAB and Fiji/ImageJ scripts are available at The code mentioned in the section ‘Neuroanatomy, connectivity and dendrograms’ in the Methods is publicly available at, and

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We thank R. Brain, K. delos Santos, R. Busby, M. Moreno Gasulla, J.-P. Moszynski and F. Woods for technical assistance; and G. Rubin, FlyLight, B. Dickson, A. Lin and the Vienna Drosophila Resource Center, and the Bloomington Stock Center for flies. Z.O. was funded by an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship (ALTF 311-2017). P.V.-G. was funded by the Sloane Robinson/Clarendon Scholarship given by the University's Clarendon Fund scheme and Keble College and from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT). S.W. was funded by a Wellcome Principal Research Fellowship (200846), a Wellcome Discovery Award (225192), an ERC Advanced Grant (789274) and Wellcome Collaborative Awards (203261 and 209235).

Nils Otto

Present address: Institute of Anatomy and Molecular Neurobiology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany

These authors contributed equally: Zeynep Okray, Pedro F. Jacob

Centre for Neural Circuits & Behaviour, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Zeynep Okray, Pedro F. Jacob, Ciara Stern, Kieran Desmond, Nils Otto, Clifford B. Talbot, Paola Vargas-Gutierrez & Scott Waddell

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Z.O., P.F.J., C.B.T. and S.W. designed the research. Z.O., P.F.J., C.S., K.D., N.O. and P.V.-G. performed the experiments. Z.O., P.F.J., C.S., K.D. and N.O. analysed the data. S.W. provided resources. S.W., Z.O., P.F.J. and N.O. wrote the manuscript. S.W. supervised the study. S.W. and Z.O. acquired funding.

Correspondence to Zeynep Okray or Scott Waddell.

The authors declare no competing interests.

Nature thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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a. Top left, multisensory protocols. Green and blue squares represent colors, light and dark gray squares represent OCT and MCH odors. Visual (V) learning: colors used as CS+ and CS−. Olfactory (O) learning: odors used as CS+ and CS−. Congruent (C) protocol: colors+odors were combined as CS+ and CS−. Same color+odor combinations used during training and testing. Incongruent (I) protocol: colors+odors were combined as CS+ and CS− but combinations were switched between training and testing. Bottom left, training and testing timeline. Right, 24 h memory performance for V, O, C and I protocols. Combining colors+odors in the congruent (C) protocol enhanced 24 h performance, compared to that obtained with unisensory V or O learning. Incongruent (I) pairing of colors and odors abolished the multisensory enhancement of 24 h memory. b. Left, training and testing timeline. Middle, multisensory protocols. Right, immediate memory performance. Flies showed a significantly higher memory following the C than the I protocol. c. Left, training and testing timeline. Middle, multisensory protocols: C protocol as described above; Congruent protocol using the same color (C−sc) combined with different odors as CS+ and CS− during training and testing. Right, the C protocol using distinct color+odor combinations for CS+ vs CS− resulted in higher immediate memory performance than the C-sc protocol using the same color with both odors. d. Left, training and testing timeline. Middle, multisensory protocols: Olfactory (O) learning as described above; Multisensory Retrieval (MSR): odors were CS+ and CS− during training and these same odors were combined with different colors during testing. Right, immediate memory performance evoked by MSR was not significantly reduced to that following for Olfactory learning and retrieval. e. Left, training and testing timeline. Middle, multisensory protocols: Congruent (C) protocol as described above; Odor Retrieval (OR): colors+odors were CS+ and CS− during training and only odors were used during testing. Right, flies trained with multisensory stimuli performed better if they were tested with congruent multisensory stimuli compared to only one modality (in this case odor). Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. Groups compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (a), unpaired two-sided t-test (b, c, e) and unpaired two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test (d), exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: a, b, e, n = 10; c, n = 8; d, n = 10 for OR and n = 8 for MSR.

a. Top left, schematic of γd KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline with constant restrictive temperature (dashed line). Right, 6 h memory performance following Olfactory learning is unchanged when γd KCs are blocked through the experiment using MB607B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 b and c. Blocking γd KCs throughout the experiment significantly impaired memory in the Congruent protocol (b). The release from the interference effect of the Incongruent protocol did not reach significance (c). d. Top left, schematic of αβp KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline with constant restrictive temperature (dashed line). Right, blocking αβp KC output throughout the experiment using c708a-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 did not impair 6 h Olfactory learning. e and f. Memory performance for Congruent (e) and Incongruent (f) protocols changed significantly when αβp KCs were blocked during the experiment. g and h. Top, training and testing timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line). Blocking γd (g) and αβp (h) KCs impaired memory retrieved with Visual cues. i. Top left, schematic of γd KCs. Top right, training and testing timeline with constant permissive temperature (dashed line). i-l Memory performance in MB607B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies following Congruent (i), Incongruent (j), Olfactory Retrieval (k) and Visual Retrieval (l) protocols was not affected when training and testing was performed at 23 °C. m. Top left, schematic of αβp KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline with constant permissive temperature (dashed line). m-o Memory performance in c708a-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies after Congruent (m), Incongruent (n), and Visual Retrieval (o) protocols was not affected when training and testing was at 23 °C. Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. Groups compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (a-g, i-o), and Kruskal–Wallis H-test with Dunn's test (h), exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: a—c, g, h, n = 12; d, n = 12 for c708a and n = 10 for all other groups, f, n = 10; i-o, n = 8.

a and b. Top left, unpaired appetitive training and odor imaging protocol. Color+odor presentation was not contingent with sugar. Bottom left, imaging plane in the γ5 region (a) and γ1 (b) of γd KCs. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− odor-evoked activity. In both regions of γd KCs, unpaired multisensory appetitive training does not alter odor responses. Right, quantification of odor-evoked responses. c. Color-evoked (blue, green and control, i.e. LED off) responses in the γ5 region of γd KCs in naïve flies. Image acquisition is shuttered during color presentation. Right, quantification shows excitatory responses to blue, green lights and control (LED off). d and e. Pulsed delivery of colored light does not affect multisensory memory performance in the Congruent protocol (d) or Visual Retrieval (e) following multisensory learning. Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. f and g. Top Left, appetitive multisensory (color+odor, f) and unisensory (odor, g) training and odor imaging timelines. Bottom left, Imaging plane in γd KC somata. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− odor-evoked activity. Inhibitory responses to CS+ and CS− odors (decrease in −ΔF/F0) were evident following either paradigm. Right, quantification. h and i. Top Left, appetitive multisensory (color+odor) training and odor imaging timelines. Bottom left, imaging plane in the γ5 (h) and γ1 (i) regions of γm KCs. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− odor-evoked activity. Both γ1 and γ5 regions of γm KCs show excitation to CS+ and CS− odors (increases in −ΔF/F0). Right, quantification. For all traces and quantification, CS+ and CS− presentation involved 50:50 alternation of the odors as in all other experiments. Odor- or color-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with SEM (shadow). Horizontal dashed lines indicate baseline activity. Black line underneath traces marks 5 s odor exposure. In (c) gray vertical bar corresponds to the 0.75 s of color presentation (when image acquisition is shuttered) and box to the period (1.75 s) of quantification. Asterisks denote significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each individual fly connected by dashed line. Groups compared using paired two-sided t-test (a,b, f-i), one-sample t-test (c), one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (d), and unpaired two-sided t-test (e), exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: a, b, n = 20 flies; c, n = 20 flies for Green, n = 20 flies for Blue, n = 6 for LED off; d, e, n = 8; f, g, n = 22 flies; h, i, n = 16 flies.

a. Top, aversive training and testing timeline. Bottom, multisensory experimental conditions. Green and blue squares represent colors, light and dark gray represent OCT and MCH odors. Visual (V) learning; Olfactory (O) learning; Congruent (C) protocol; Incongruent (I) protocol; Olfactory Retrieval (OR); Visual Retrieval (VR). b-d. Top, training and testing timelines. Bottom, aversive memory with C protocol was significantly increased to that with I protocol both immediately (b) and 3 h (c) after training. Flies in the C protocol outperformed those tested 3 h after Olfactory (O) Learning. Only the C protocol generated significant 24 h memory performance (d). e and f. Top, training and testing timelines. Bottom, when tested immediately (e) multisensory memory retrieved with colors (VR) was markedly better than that following unisensory Visual learning (V). At 3 h (f) multisensory trained flies performed significantly better when their memory was retrieved with only Olfactory (OR) or Visual (VR) cues than flies trained with unisensory Olfactory (O) or Visual (V) learning. g. Top left, schematic of γd KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line). g-i. Blocking output of γd KCs during testing using MB607B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 alters 3 h memory performance in the Congruent (g), Incongruent (h) and Olfactory Retrieval (i) protocols. j. Top left, schematic of γd KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline with constant permissive temperature (dashed line). j-l Memory performance in MB607B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies after Congruent (j), Incongruent (k), and Olfactory Retrieval (l) protocols was not affected when flies were trained and tested at 23 °C. Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. m and n. Top left, unisensory aversive training and odor imaging protocol. Bottom left, imaging plane in the γ1 region (m) and γ5 (n) of γd KCs. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− odor-evoked activity. uniisensory aversive training does not alter odor responses in either γd KC region. Right, quantification. o and p. Top left, unpaired aversive multisensory training and odor imaging protocol. Color+odor presentation was not contingent with shock. Bottom left, imaging plane in the γ1 region (o) and γ5 (p) of γd KCs. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− odor-evoked activity. Unpaired multisensory aversive training does not alter odor responses in either γd KC region. Right, quantification. For all traces and quantification, CS+ and CS− presentation involved 50:50 alternation of the odors as in all other experiments. Odor-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with SEM (shadow). Horizontal dashed lines indicate baseline activity. Black line underneath traces marks 5 s odor exposure. Asterisks denote significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each individual fly connected by dashed line. Groups compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (b-d, g-l), unpaired two-sided t-test (e, f), and paired two-sided t-test (m-p), exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: b, g, i-l, n = 8; c, e, f, h, n = 10; d, n = 12; m, n, n = 22 flies; o, p, n = 24 flies.

a. A 2-dimensional dendrogram projection of DPM neuron neurites (shades of teal). The dorsal branch of the horizontal lobe's γ2-γ5 compartments are dark teal, the rest of the γ lobe projections are mid teal and those in the other lobes are lighter teal. Note: all but γ lobe neurites are downsized for visibility. Neurites with Strahler order <1 are pruned and connectivity is shown accordingly. Projections in the γ1 compartment are marked and split in the γ2-5 compartments into dorsal and ventral branches. Marking is according to DAN connectivity (shaded areas). Synapses (spheres) are only marked in the γ lobe compartments. Connectivity structure shows inputs from γd KCs (yellow spheres) and outputs to γm KCs (gray spheres) colocalize on compartment specific branches of the DPM neurons. APL inputs (magenta) are distributed across both dorsal and ventral branches and concentrated around the branching point at the base of the vertical lobes in the α′1 compartment (asterisk). Note: Some putative parts of the dorsal γ lobe branch could not be allocated to a compartment due to lack of DAN input. One branch that bears γ KC synapses (hashtag) was identified as the β′ lobe branch that enters the MB close to the midline. It is likely that other DPM neurite tips that have γ KC synapses are artifacts where healing has merged free-floating γ lobe branchlets to DPM neurites innervating the other lobes. b. A 2-dimensional dendrogram projection of APL neuron neurites (magenta). Note: Neurites with Strahler order <1 were pruned and connectivity is shown accordingly. Compare with (a). PPL1-γ1pedc and PAM-γ5 DAN input synapses (red and green spheres respectively) are marked in the γ1 and γ5 compartments (shaded areas). Synapses to DPM neurons (teal spheres) colocalize with DAN input.

a and b. Top, Anatomy of APL neuron. Training and testing timelines with constant restrictive temperature (dashed line). Bottom, Adult-restricted RNAi knockdown of Dop2R in APL neurons using tubPGAL80ts;VT43924-GAL4.2 impaired 6 h Olfactory Retrieval memory performance after multisensory appetitive training (a), and reduced memory following unisensory Olfactory learning (b). c and d. Permissive temperature (23 °C) control experiments for (a) and (b). Top, training and testing timelines with temperature shift (dashed line). Memory performance was unaffected in tubPGAL80ts;VT43924-GAL4.2, UAS-Dop2R RNAi flies following Olfactory Retrieval (c) and Olfactory learning (d) when flies were raised, trained and tested at 23 °C. e and f. Top, training and testing timelines with temperature (dashed line). Bottom, 6 h Olfactory Retrieval of appetitive multisensory memory (e) and of memory following Olfactory learning (f) was not affected by adult-restricted RNAi knockdown of DopEcR in APL neurons using tubPGAL80ts; VT43924-GAL4.2. Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. All groups compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test, exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: a, b, n = 12; c, d, n = 8; e, f, n = 10.

a. Permissive temperature (23 °C) control experiment for Fig. 5c,d. Top, training and testing timeline. Bottom, Multisensory memory performance evoked by Olfactory Retrieval of VT64246-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies was unaffected when flies were trained and tested at 23 °C. b. Top, training and testing timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line). Bottom, blocking output from DPM neurons during testing impaired the Visual Retrieval of multisensory memory. c. Permissive temperature (23 °C) control experiment for Extended Data Fig. 7b. Top, training and testing timeline. Bottom, Multisensory memory performance evoked by Visual Retrieval of VT64246-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies was unaffected when flies were trained and tested at 23 °C. d. Top, training and testing timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line). Bottom, blocking output from DPM neurons during unisensory training and testing did not affect Olfactory learning performance. e. Top left, schematic of γ KCs. e-g. Top, training and testing timeline with temperature shifting (dashed line). Bottom, blocking output of γ KCs during training using MB009B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 did not affect 6 h Olfactory learning performance (e), while Olfactory Retrieval (f) and Visual Retrieval (g) memory performance was significantly impaired. h and i. Permissive temperature (23 °C) control experiments for Extended Data Fig. 7f,g. Top, training and testing timelines. Bottom, Multisensory memory performance evoked by Olfactory Retrieval (h) or Visual Retrieval (i) of MB009B-GAL4; UAS-Shits1 flies was unaffected when flies were trained and tested at 23 °C. j and k. Left, appetitive unisensory (odor) training and odor imaging timeline. Imaging planes in the γ5 (j) and γ1 (k) regions of the DPM neuron. Right, quantification. 6 h after olfactory training the γ5 (j) and γ1 (k) regions of DPM neurons showed indistinguishable excitatory responses to both CS+ and CS− odors. k and l. Top, appetitive multisensory (color+odor) or unisensory (odor) training and odor imaging timelines. Imaging plane in the γ5 region of DPM neurons. Bottom, quantification of γ5 responses of DPM neurons 1 h after both multisensory (l) and unisensory (m) training showed an enhanced excitatory response to the CS+ over the CS− odors. n and o. Top, appetitive multisensory (color+odor) or unisensory (odor) training and odor imaging timelines. Imaging plane in the γ1 region of the DPM neuron. Bottom, quantification of γ1 responses of DPM neurons 1 h after both multisensory (n) and unisensory (o) training showed no difference between the excitatory responses to the CS+ and the CS− odors. p and q. Top, imaging plane in the γ1 (p) and γ5 (q) region of γd KCs. Bottom left panels, a baseline recording in saline (300 s; not shown) was followed by perfusion of 100 μM 5-HT for 300 s then washout in saline for 300 s. Average traces for bath application and washout are shown. Right, quantification shows excitatory responses to 5-HT application in both regions (increased mean –ΔF/F0), in comparison to the baseline (pre) and after washout. r. Top left, schematic of γd KCs. Bottom left, training and testing timeline. Right, 6h Olfactory learning performance is unaffected in flies with RNAi knockdown of 5-HT2A with MB607B-GAL4. Asterisks denote significant differences (P < 0.05). Data presented as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Individual data points displayed as dots correspond to independent experiments. s. Left, appetitive multisensory (color+odor) training and color imaging timeline. Imaging plane in the γ5 region of γd KC axons. Middle, traces of CS+ and CS− color-evoked activity. The γ5 region of γd KC axons showed excitatory responses to both CS+ and CS− colors. Right, quantification of color-evoked responses. For trace in (s) and all quantifications, CS+ and CS− presentation involved 50:50 alternation of the odors and/or colors as in all other experiments. Color-evoked activity traces show mean (solid line) with SEM (shadow). In (s) vertical gray bar corresponds to the 0.75 s color presentation (when image acquisition is shuttered) and box to the 1.75 s period of quantification. Horizontal dashed lines indicate baseline activity. Asterisks denote significant difference between averaged CS+ and CS− responses (P < 0.05). CS+ and CS− responses for each individual fly connected by dashed line. Groups compared using one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (a-e, g-i, r), Kruskal–Wallis H-test with Dunn's test (f), paired two-sided t-test (j-o, s), and repeated measures one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test (p,q), exact P values and comparisons are given in Supplementary Information. N values for each experiment are: a-c, r, n = 8; d, n = 12; e-i, n = 8; j, k, n, n = 18 flies; l, m, o, s, n = 16 flies; o, p, n = 10.

n values, descriptive statistics and statistical analyses with exact P-values for Figs. 1–5.

n values, descriptive statistics and statistical analyses with exact P-values for Extended Data Figs. 1–7.

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Okray, Z., Jacob, P.F., Stern, C. et al. Multisensory learning binds neurons into a cross-modal memory engram. Nature 617, 777–784 (2023).

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Received: 07 July 2022

Accepted: 24 March 2023

Published: 26 April 2023

Issue Date: 25 May 2023


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